Thursday, 26 February 2015

10 objects/subjects

Cars play an important role in our everyday lives. Some people drive cars as a profession, such as doing stunts or racing.

Religion is a beautiful thing. People all believe in different religions but it all goes around worshiping a supreme-bean.

Love links people together. Whether it is a family, husband and wife or even girlfriend a boyfriend. When we love someone we usually have a strong affection for them and care for them.

I will describe it as living life through a lens. It allows us to store memories but it can also be a form of art. 

Typography is the key element in design. It is used by typographers, typesetters, layout artist, art directors.

Design is anything made by man that was well thought through. Almost everything around us was designed by someone.

Each day, technology is just getting better. Keeping up with technology can be expensive and hard to come by.

Tv shows/series
Series are really becoming more and more popular. Especially on Dstv. My favorites are Scorpion, The Fosters, The originals and Reign

Sneakers are what we wear on our feet. The most popular sneakers are nike, adidad and puma.

Out of all the 10 subjects/objects I chose typography.

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